第1回CODHセミナー Big Data and Digital Humanities


日時 2017年1月23日(月) 10:00-12:00
会場 国立情報学研究所 1208/1210会議室
参加登録 参加費は無料、定員は約40名です。参加ご希望の方は、できるだけ参加登録をお願いします。
言語 講演はすべて英語です。通訳はありません。
主催 情報・システム研究機構 データサイエンス共同利用基盤施設 人文学オープンデータ共同利用センター(CODH)
協賛 九州大学統合新領域学府ライブラリーサイエンス専攻、九州大学つばさプロジェクト「デジタル人文学における研究資源オープン化と研究プラットフォーム構築に向けた基盤的研究」
後援 研究データ利活用協議会



Presentation Slides: doi:10.20676/00000001

Center for Open Data in the Humanities (CODH), which was started on Apirl 1, 2016 as a preparatory office, and will be established as a center on April 2017, belongs to Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research, Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS). Professors from National Institute of Informatics (NII) and Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM) are involved in the activities of the center, collaborating with both computer scientists and humanities scholars in Japan and around the globe. The challenge of this center is where (digital) humanities meet big data, and how this encounter changes the style of research in both fields. I will introduce our activities in the past about how data-driven approach can solve questions in the humanities, and in what direction we need to move forward.

Talk Information

The Big Data (BD) Regional Innovation Hubs were launched in 2015 by the National Science Foundation as part of its investment in the federal Big Data Research and Development Initiative. The BD Innovation Hubs and related investments are intended to accelerate and strengthen the data ecosystem, and it is the mission of the Midwest Big Data Hub (MBDH) to develop effective cross-sector networks ready to utilize data science and the data ecosystem to solve problems of regional and societal interest. The MBDH is a growing organization of public and private partners investing in data, tools, and infrastructure to improve access and use of shared and public data for scientific discovery and improved data-to-decision systems. Based at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, the MBDH is a collaboration with Indiana University, Iowa State University, the University of Michigan, and the University of North Dakota, that supports training, education and workforce development, and facilitates access to data infrastructure, tools and services for constituents across the region. The 12 states served by the MBDH are: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Thematic areas of interest and funding include Digital Agriculture, Food-Energy-Water, Transportation and Metropolitan Science, Health and Biomedical Sciences, Network Sciences, Business Analytics, Advanced Manufacturing, and Materials Sciences. This talk will highlight current projects and evolving activities across our developing Industry-Government-Academic data partnerships.

Related Presentation Slides: Kyushu University Library

The HathiTrust Digital Library (HTDL) contains 14.7 million volumes (over 5 billion pages). Unfortunately, roughly 9 million HTDL volumes are under copyright restrictions and cannot be shared with users. To overcome this problem, the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) is creating a set of “non-consumptive research” services to make these closed materials more open and thus useful to scholars. This talk introduces such non-consumptives services as “Data Capsules,” “Extracted Features” and the “Bookworm + HathiTrust” tool. Each HTRC service is designed to open new points of access to otherwise closed data while still respecting all copyright limitations.


Melissa Cragin, Executive Director for the Midwest Big Data Hub and Assistant Director, Data Ecosystems, is based at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Prior to joining NCSA, Melissa worked on data policy and community engagement for the Office of the Assistant Director, Directorate of Biological Sciences at the National Science Foundation (NSF). Before joining the federal government, Melissa was on the faculty of the at the School of Information Sciences (formerly the Graduate School of Library and Information Science) at the University of Illinois, where she led the Data Curation Education Program and conducted research on the development and use of infrastructure for shared scientific data. Melissa has a PhD from UIUC and an MLIS from Rutgers University.

J. Stephen Downie is associate dean for research and a professor at the School of Information Sciences, and the Illinois codirector of the HathiTrust Research Center. He has been an active participant in the digital libraries and digital humanities research domains. He is best known for helping to establish an vibrant music information retrieval research community. Since 2005, he has directed the annual Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX). He also was a founder of the International Society Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) and its first president.





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第1回CODHセミナー - Big Data and Digital Humanities